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Your Home - Your Style Part 1

Have you ever wondered what interior design style is followed by your home? Are you faithful to one style or maybe you like to experiment and define the style of your home space yourself? The subject is very pleasant, but not simple at all. Why?

Your Home - Your Style Part 1 - 1

Over the years, architects and interior decorators have developed a dozen or so different trends. Some of them are inspired by the culture and nature of specific places on earth, while others draw on urban trends. How to find yourself in it? Today we'll introduce you to - let's call them - 'geographical styles'. In the following parts we will discuss those inspired by urban development, fashion or even philosophy. Here we go!

Scandinavian style is one of the most popular styles of recent decades. On the one hand, these are very cosy interiors for both the residents and the guests, and on the other hand, they are based on the "keep it simple" principle. They eliminate impractical details and accessories, especially those that only serve as decorations. Another feature of the people of Scandinavia is their love for nature, which is reflected in organic forms of furniture and decorative objects. Any accents of birch, pine or spruce wood are welcome. So are potted plants that can fill the interiors. Due to their geographical location, Scandinavians prefer bright colours such as white, beige or grey. An important element is also to provide the maximum amount of light in the rooms. Therefore, in Scandinavian interiors, all fixtures with a simple design, such as Kanlux AREL LED downlights or Kanlux STOBI surface-mounted lamps as well as a series of spots, for example Kanlux ENALI, will be perfect.

The Moroccan style is very lively and joyful. Intense, warm colors are an inspiration that comes straight from Moroccan nature and oriental spices. Moroccan interiors are made of natural materials such as wood, stone, clay. The accessories are in contrast to them - delicate, noble fabrics, such as silk, velvet or satin. The obligatory element are patterns, among which the most popular is Moroccan clover or arabesque. Furniture, hewn in wood, often takes on lightness by adding openwork sheets consistent with the geometric patterns of the style. If you think of subtle lighting, but with a strong accent of golden colour to match your Moroccan living room, you can use our Kanlux RITI, Kanlux SIMEN or Kanlux ELNIS luminaires.

The Tuscan style is like photos bringing back memories of a holiday trip. The interiors are bright, often only in shades of white and beige. Furniture, tables, chairs are made of wood, thongs and wickerwork. The woven materials with a clearly marked weave are distinctive accessories. In Tuscan-style houses, the colours refer to olive groves and herbal plantations. Copper elements are a strong accent, especially in the kitchen.  Looking for suitable lamps for this style, pay attention to Kanlux MILENO silver-copper lamps.

In rooms of Provence, the ceiling and floor are often decorated with thick wooden beams. The interiors are usually equipped with wooden furniture, in natural colour or painted in pastel, slightly worn shades. The walls are dominated by light, often whitewashed colours of lavender, delicate violet, olive and grey. Lavender and olive plant are the main elements. In addition to natural materials (wood, linen), the interiors are characterized by porcelain and metal accessories. White spotlight fittings such as Kanlux APRILA or Kanlux LUNIO are ideal for such rooms. And for the lovers of surface mounted lamps we offer Kanlux LUNATI or Kanlux TOLEO in white.

The opposite of light Provence is the English style, where rooms are filled with lots of upholstered furniture. Sofas, couches, chaise lounges, armchairs and poufs surrounded by lots of pillows and blankets. Often the furniture is quilted and blankets and pillows are patchwork pieces. Two other features of the English style are wooden, richly ornamented panels filling the lower parts of walls (so called (panelling) and patterned wallpaper. The English love brass and gold accessories that show the passage of time, so the Kanlux MILENO series of spots in gold and black will be perfect for English interiors.

It is worth to refer to one more style, which is certainly close to travel lovers. Of course, we are talking about a colonial style that guarantees a variety inspired by the whole world. Straight from Africa, the Caribbean, India or South America, we bring exotic wood on the floors and dark, hand-made furniture to our home, so called must have.  Other natural materials are bamboo, flax, coconut and silk. It is these fabrics that dominate window, table and bedroom decorations. On the walls, bookcases and chests of drawers you can see souvenirs and paintings referring to distant, exotic journeys. Due to the variety of elements of sentimental and geographical value, discreetly designed luminaires such as Kanlux DALLA or Kanlux ALREN will work well in such interiors.

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