Search results: asil

3 search results

Key lighting trends for 2022

It is 2022. You have been spending more time at home for two years, which is why the appearance of luminaires,...

Your Home - Your Style part 2

After recent travels round the world, deriving inspirations from nature in arrangement of flats (have...

Remote work – how to make your home office functional

The current situation has forced many companies to send their employees to work from homes. So what is...

Match the sockets and switches to the style of your apartment!

Can electrical installation equipment decorate your apartment? It can now! See how we combined safety...

Atmospheric home – everybody’s dream! We know how to do it with light...

We would all like our homes to be an atmospheric place where we go back with joy after a hard day of...

3 ideas for springtime changes in lighting and light decoration

Spring usually means cleaning and changes in the house and its surroundings. Find out what's worth changing...

Do it yourself - installation of LED strips

LED strips are an increasingly popular type of lighting. We often wonder whether it is complicated. We...

Wardrobe in a light style!

We often face the dilemma: "What to wear?", Although the wardrobe is bursting at the seams. Sometimes...

9 tips to help you keep your outdoor luminaires clean

Outdoor lamps, to a much greater extent than indoor luminaires, attract dirt and then, to make matters...